sábado, 13 de febrero de 2010

musically speaking, Bob Marley is one of the main if not the most important exponents of reggae and not only that if not that it has been become a symbol for many of Rastafarianism.
Although currently there many very good groups of reggae as Godwana, ganjah area, prophetic culture, Morobe and others are the ones I like.
I'll leave you a video teacher zone ganjah song entitled "The Messiah rencarno" which tells the story of the Rastafarian since 1930

Important symbols

*The flag with the red, gold and green is the state banner raised by Marcus Garvey, and are frequently seen on clothing, design graphics and other decorations. Red represents the blood of martyrs. Yellow wealth and prosperity Africa has to offer. The green land and vegetation of Zion (ie, Ethiopia, see below). Red always goes up, because it represents blood. When blood is below the ground (green) means "death".

* The black six-pointed star represents the male and female black (good). Head, arms and legs, her nakedness is covered with royal robes.

* The Leon or Leon Conquistador is also an important Rastafarian symbol, symbolizing both Africa and the Emperor Haile Selassie, Jah or himself. It also represents strength and struggle against oppression and injustice applied to the African people.
*Tunic and turban. The members of the Ethiopian African Black International Congress, also known as Rastafari, bear robe and turban. They are the priests of the Order of Melchizedek.

*Rastafarians generally believe that smoking cannabis (known as ganjah or holy herb) serves as a direct channel to Jah and is an aid to meditation and access to true wisdom that is granted by Jah Guide, ie if smoke, is to meditate and so in a deeper way, to know, do not do it at any time to get inside but superficial pleasure. The verses Rastafarians believe justify the use of the herb are:

the rastafari

The Rastafarian movement is a socio-cultural movement which considers the religious and Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie I, formerly known as Prince Ras Tafari (in Amharico), the assumption of Christ in his character of God as King, Marcus Garvey as the incarnation of Christ in his capacity as a Prophet of God and Prince Emmanuel Charles Edwards as the reincarnation of Christ in his character of God as High Priest, thus forming a Holy Trinity. Another pillar is the reading of the holy book of Ethiopian tradition, entitled Kebra Nagast, and the vindication of Pan-Africanism (the demand for unity of the oppressed African descendants in recent history). It emerged in the early 1930s in Ethiopia from biblical prophecies attributed to Selassie's divinity, the desire of the descendants of black slaves back to Africa, social and cultural aspirations of the black community and organizer of the teachings of Jamaican-born Marcus Mosiah Garvey who cried out "Africa for Africans and Europe for Europeans".The social and cultural vision Garvey inspired the founders of the movement, which regarded him as a prophet. The Rastafarianism emerged among the working-class blacks in Jamaica, and remains in defense of Black Supremacy, which is interpreted as the supremacy of good over evil, black represents good and in no way has to do with the color Leather men. Today the movement has spread throughout much of the world and has followers from different cultures, languages and nations. Are erroneously known for their devotion to reggae music when in reality reggae not part of the Ceremonial Order Rastafari.

The Rastafari Movement takes its name from Ras (lord) Tafari Makonnen (name / last name), whose coronation as Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia (1930) was seen as the culmination of Marcus Garvey's prophecy of a decade earlier: "Look to Africa for the crowning of a black king, for the day of liberation is near "Psalm 87:4-6 is also interpreted as predicting the coronation of Haile Selassie:" I shall mention Rahab and Babylon to those who know me: Behold Philistia and Tire, with Ethiopia, this man was born there. And of Zion it shall be said, This and that man was born there, and I set higher. Mr compiling, when do you have the people, that this man was born there " Emperor Haile Selassie was crowned "King of Kings, Lord of Lords and Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah" and is, according to Ethiopian tradition, the 225th in an unbroken line of kings of the lineage of King Solomon's Son David.Of note is the lavish ceremony in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, where he received the name of Haile Selassie (Power of Trinity), and leaving behind the title of Ras Tafari (head set), against representatives of major countries the world. Garvey believed in Pan-Africanism, the proposal that all black people in the world should join in brotherhood and retake the continent of Africa from white colonial powers. He promoted this cause during the decades of the twenties and thirties, and was particularly successful and influential among lower-class blacks in Jamaica, mainly in rural and urban communities. Haile Selassie of Ethiopia came to the throne in 1930 and almost immediately gained a following among those who became known as the Rastas. Rastafarianism began as a network of similar religions, bound together mainly by the idea of Ethiopian Zion.Since Ethiopia was the only African country that escaped European colonialism, and Haile Selassie was the only black leader accepted among the kings and queens of Europe, the early Rastas kept him great respect for their repression and level of justice that kept from slavery .